gezond en goedkoop eten

We used to think of quinoa as exotic. However nowadays there are sugar free quinoa bars with added protein powder, dipped in a bed of antioxidants; also called chocolate. Healthy eating is made easy for us but only if we are willing to give up our monthly salary for it. Can you still eat healthy without going bankrupt?

Not as healthy as it seems

In the supermarket you will find all different shapes and sizes of health bars. But have you ever read the nutritional value? The number of calories in such a bar is often equal to the number of calories in an entire meal and sugars can be found in the form of ‘honey’, ‘agave’ or ‘fructose syrup’. Not so healthy! You think you are doing well, but in fact you are not.

Then what? Try these 5 tips:

1. Choose your vegetables and fruits right

Fresh fruits and vegetables are often quite pricey! Keep an eye on the offers. In addition, go for products from the season. Seasonal products are often produced in the region, which means less transportation costs and thus a cheaper product! Another option is to use frozen fruits and vegetables. In fact, because they freeze it immediately after picking it, it retains many of the good nutrients! That in contrast to imported vegetables and fruits, those slowly lose their nutrients.

2. Eat less meat

When you take a look at the costs of your meal, you may notice that meat and fish are by far the most expensive. Meat and fish contain a lot of good nutrients, so simply omitting this is not the answer. But luckily you can replace it very well with some cheaper products. Skip meat and fresh fish and replace it with legumes, nuts, eggs, mushrooms, frozen fish or canned fish.

3. Shop smart

Skip the Albert Heijn, go to the Lidl or Aldi instead. That can save you up to ten euros a week! If you prefer to go to the Albert Heijn, then don’t choose the products that are at eye level. Look a bit lower, these products are usually a lot cheaper! It is also smart to go to the local food market for fruits and vegetables. Preferably at the end of the day. At the end of the day they want to get rid of their products, so you get a big discount!

4. Easy meal prepping

Perhaps you have already heard of it: meal prepping. Fitness fanatics and health lovers love to do this, but it’s also very useful for when you want to watch your money. You don’t necessarily have to prepare whole meals. Also cooking separate components will work, you can mix and match them throughout the week. This allows you to eat varied, eat healthy and never cook too much! For example, cook a large quantity of rice, different types of vegetables, legumes, chicken, fish and a vegetarian substitute.

5. Make a shopping list

When you’re in the supermarket unprepared, you often buy too much. The solution is to plan what you will eat. Think of the meals you are going to eat that week and which ingredients you need for it. Then make a shopping list. Decide for every ingredient why you need it and when you are going to eat it. Is your shopping list realistic or a little bit too ambitious?

Do you find it difficult to eat healthy and budget-friendly?

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Sanne Kwakkelstein

Lifestyle Coach. Helps you get the best out of your body. Loves to travel, to cook and husky�s.

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