For a lot of people the new year is a new start. Almost everybody has New Year resolutions and every year we think we are going to hold on to them. Gyms get overcrowded, sales of junk food decrease and also the liquor store is a lot calmer. But after awhile, we seem to forgot about our resolutions.

I also used to be the kind of person who started the new year with a lot of resolutions: losing weight, eating healthier, working out, getting more social, drive within the speed limits. All of those things did not succeed, so this year I have given up on New Year’s resolutions.

But why? It is good to have goals, right? Of course it is, but I already had goals set before the end of the year. And I still hold on to them! And also I keep on setting new goals for myself, but I do not consider them as resolutions. Absolutely not!

I study hard, my energy level increases, which allows me to meet my friends and family more often. I eat healthy, since I have to maintain a healthy weight. I am doing it for months now and I am not planning to give up!

Everybody takes me for who I am, now it is up to me to do the same.

Social media
However, I decided to start 2018 a more positive way. Social media can make that hard sometimes. Everybody seems to be so happy online, like life has to be perfect. Expensive vacations, nights out, marriage proposals: everything gets shared online.

But there is also the dark side: I am a member of some Facebook groups for people with depression, stress and for cancer companions. I am considering to leave these groups. I came a long way in my recovery, these negative messages make me feel down. It is time to work on that!

Personal development
At the end of 2017, I had an appointment at the department of trauma counseling. Together with my partner I succeeded to end the year in a great way. I wrote a letter to my therapist J. and read it to her: I said goodbye and got a big hug, three kisses and a postcard with some sweet words. From now on, I can do it alone, with the people I love. No more therapy. A strange idea, but I believe I am ready!

The song of this week is: Unwritten of Natasha Bedingfield. It goes without saying!

I wish you all a beautiful and happy New Year!

Love, Renée x

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Expert in PTSD, burnout, personality disorders and eating disorder. Even if I only help one person by sharing my story, I am happy!

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