You have about 40,000 thoughts every day. Most of your thoughts are unconscious, don’t remember, or quickly dissipate. It is difficult to structure all these thoughts, even when you think about them consciously. One of the ways to slow down this flow of thoughts to create some structure is to write. But why is writing good for you? In this blog I’ll explain it further.

The use of writing

  • Writing works well because it gives you a grip on your thoughts, they become “real” and you add structure to them.
  • Suppose you want to plan something such as a behavioural change, for example: exercising more often. Just thinking about it is not enough. You will notice that such a plan only works effectively if you put your thoughts on paper, and you literally see your goals in front of you (Pilarczyk, 2017).
  • A study by the University of Twente shows that writing about yourself is effective in depression because it reduces the complaints.
  • Writing also helps to process (traumatic) memories, according to research from the University of Texas.
  • Writing provides reflection, self-insight and personal development. You take the time to process information and think about it carefully.
  • By writing you memorize information better, and you can read it again if you have forgotten something.
  • By noting down information, you have a visual reminder for yourself. You can hang this up somewhere or set it up as a reminder on your phone so that you are regularly reminded yourself if necessary.
  • Do you prefer writing on paper over writing digitally? This can contribute to the development of your brain and motor skills because writing with pen and paper is a complex action that involves muscles from all over your body.

How do you start writing?

Find a quiet place to sit down and take the time to write down your thoughts, whether it is on a laptop, smartphone or on a piece of paper. Let your thoughts run free and write down what’s relevant to you. When you write things down, it’s good to realise that there is no right or wrong! These are your own personal notes and thoughts, and there is no judgement attached to them. Find it difficult to write? You can also visualize your thoughts through drawings, diagrams or illustrations.

When can you write things down?

Writing things down is useful in different situations. For example, consider the following

  • Keeping a diary: In a diary you reflect on the day by writing about it. You could choose a specific theme for your diary, for example a gratitude journal or a positivity journal.
  • To-do list: When you write down the things you have to do, there is a lower chance of you forgetting them and more space for other things. You can read more about the advantages of a to-do list here
  • Setting goals: Write down your goals as clear, specific and detailed as possible. By writing down all the details, you visualize them and the goals are registered in your brains, or even your subconsciousness (Pilarczyk, 2017).
  • Making plans: This is where the agenda or Daily Planner in the NiceDay app comes in handy. Write down your plans in specific terms and set a reminder that will help you remember your plans. You don’t have to remember everything by yourself!
  • After a session: are you seeing a therapist or receiving coaching? By making notes after finishing a session you consciously reflect on what has been discussed by writing it down in your own words. This allows you to better understand and remember the information. It also improves your own influence, helps to reflect and contributes to your process.
  • After a good conversation with a loved one: When you have had a good conversation with a loved one, such as a friend, family member or colleague, it can help to write down the most valuable information you discussed. You can then read this information again when it is relevant. Especially when it was a long conversation or when a lot of emotions were involved, it can be hard to remember information. You can use a journal or  the NiceDay app to write it down.

Tip! Set a diary reminder in the NiceDay app, that helps remind you to write down something every day. No matter how big or small!

Are you interested in inspiring others with your written stories? Share your story on our blog! Contact us for more information.

It is January 2020. I only realized last week that we have entered a new decade. Normally I never make a big deal about changing the year, but this time it made me think. Will it be a time of success, health, forgiveness, love and happiness? I cannot foresee the future, but I can decide on which parts of my life I will focus my effort in 2020 and in the new decade.


As it looks now, 2020 will be a success in the field of education. I still have half a year to go and if I do my best in the last six months of my study, I will get my master’s degree. I am looking forward that after 5.5 years of studying I will finally be able to burn my books (muhaha)! 

But let’s not get ahead of things ;-). I hope that I can enjoy my study a little more in the coming six months instead of only studying for a good grade and deadlines. After all, it is the field that I have a lot of passion for. What I will do after my studies? I don’t know yet. By that time I will see what comes my way.


How will my mental health state be? I don’t want to say anything about that, because this has fluctuated a lot in the past year. I feel a bit more stable now, partly due to the dose of medication I am taking, but it is also because the PTSD has been treated well. 

Somewhere in this decade I hope for closure, but this requires exposure first. How am I going to tackle it? I don’t know yet. In addition, there are some inner battles that I have to face, but I have agreed with myself that I want to stay close to myself and not make hasty decisions. It is my process and I am in charge of it. I do feel that this decade I will succeed in going through life as well as PTSD free, as well as depression free.

What about love?

Yes, what about love? Let’s just say that I don’t shut myself off, like I did all my life. I don’t go looking for love, I don’t believe in that. If it comes, then it comes. If it doesn’t come, than that’s also no problem.


I often wonder what happiness actually is. Recently I have discovered that happiness starts with appreciating the small things in life. If you only seek happiness in the big things, then you can search for a long time and you will never be satisfied, because you want to surpass the big things. So with this in mind, I am entering the new decade with the hope that I can gradually find happiness in myself.

I wish all readers a very happy and healthy 2020!



Change. It’s something that everyone doesn’t like. You have to get rid of old habits and you have to quit something you’ve been doing the same for so long already. But the signals are clear: you can’t go on this way. Taking the step to change can be scary, but also really tough. How do you start actual change? And maybe even more importantly: how do you persist?

Make a plan

Usually, everything is perfectly lined up in our head and we know exactly what to do. It’s just taking that first step. To make this change a lot more real, you should write everything down. 

Write down the thing(s) you want to change. Maybe you want to be more positive. Or start exercising again. Or you want to save money for a trip around the world! Write down your personal goal. When would you have reached it? What do you need to reach it? What do you have to do to reach it? 

And what steps would it take? Create a realistic road map towards your goal, because doing everything in one big step is pretty much impossible!

Motivate yourself

Now comes the tough part: you have to actually do it. Try motivating yourself by writing down all the things how it will benefit you. You could for example create a list of pros and cons for both the short and the long term. Write everything down that comes to mind and especially remember why you should maintain this change! By writing everything down, you make it tangible, which is important for the process.

You could also externally motivate yourself. You can for example tell it to your mother/best friend/grandma, whoever you want. And ask for a little bit of support. Someone that supports you can be a really good push in the right direction.

On top of that you can make a deal with yourself. For example, buy a new phone when you’ve reached your goal. Or maybe a nice trip to a country far away for the weekend!

Remind and reward yourself

You’ve put everything in your power into reaching your goals. It costs a lot of energy and sometimes it can happen everything is not going that well anymore. Giving up seems to be close. Try reminding yourself why you are doing this constantly, because during the whole process you can lose your goal out of sight. Grab your list of pros and cons and call your mother for some mental support! Don’t forget to reward yourself for the effort you’ve put in all the hard work. It shouldn’t only cost blood, sweat and tears! Give yourself a nice treat, buy yourself a little gift or do something fun with some friends. You should compliment yourself for all the steps you’re taking. You would do the same for someone else right?

Monitor your progress

Your goal always seems to be in a far distance, until you’ve finally reached it. Why wouldn’t your keep track of your steps? At the start you should write down you’re on 0%. During the process you can keep track of your progress. The final 100% will become closer and closer and you’ll also know the steps you still have to take. Reaching your goal is amazing, but it’s the road towards it that makes it worth it!


Write down your plan of change in a diary registration in the NiceDay app. Also create a list of pros and cons and write down what you can do to motivate yourself. Keep track of when you will monitor your progress. You can even connect some rewards to certain points of progress!

The new year is about to begin and a lot of people want to start the new year with exercising. This is also why a lot of  gyms get new subscriptions of motivated people with new year’s resolutions. But why do people suddenly want to exercise more when the new year has arrived?

The month of December

Is it because of all the food we eat during the festivities in December? Do we want to get rid of the extra kilos we gained? Or is it just because of the ‘new start, new me’? Anyway, people seem to be motivated to work out again in the new year. And that is definitely not a bad thing!  But why only then?

Hold on!

Unfortunately, most of the people will work out only for a couple of weeks and after these first few weeks they stop. That is too bad, because the most difficult period is already behind you. In the beginning you still have to build muscles and up your fitness level. But when you train regularly, exercising should get a little easier. Still, a lot of people stop after a while. But why? Ask yourself the following questions: what can help me to stay motivated? Does working out get boring? Do I need more variation? Think out-of-the-box!

Furthermore, having a goal can also be motivating. However, make sure that it is an achievable goal. Realise that you are doing this for yourself, and for your own body. It is for a good cause and that will give you the motivation.

How to stay motivated

Of course it is way easier to say: ‘’find the right motivation and set achievable goals’’, then to actually stay motivated. But with the right tricks, you’ll be able to stay motivated! For example, if you are going to exercise, do it always on the same time. This will make sure it is going to be a ‘habit’. A habit is something that has become natural for you, because of this it will cost you less effort.

Furthermore, it is important to write down your pitfalls. You learn from them! If your pitfall is that you want to see immediate results, ask yourself: is this achievable? Think by yourself: what is achievable? If you find it difficult to answer this question you can ask help from people who know more about it. For example a personal sports coach!

NiceDay app

Plan a workout in your Daily Planner in the NiceDay app and describe how you feel before and after working out.

Getting fit, feeling energetic, eating healthy and being happy. Whatever goals you are trying to reach, you will always experience ups and downs, good times and bad times. In reality, sometimes you need to go back to go forward. To reach your goals you need to make mistakes, learn from them and most importantly: not give up. This article can help you on your way to your goals.

Baby steps
Are you super motivated and wanting to change your lifestyle completely? Good start, but unfortunately not doable. Goals which are far away from where you are now, don’t give enough strength and fulfillment. People are used to habits, big changes simply take too much energy. So one thing at the time! Little steps are easier to handle and staple up to big changes. Do not work out every day if you are not used to it, after two times a week you will notice changes as well!

Do not wait until you have reached your goals to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take towards your goal.

Don’t give up!
Your new plan does not go so well? Or do you feel exhausted? That is OK. You might have bitten off more than one can chew. Or maybe unexpected circumstances came on your path? That sucks, but do not give up now! Take a break and reload yourself. Get inspired and be aware of the reason why you want to reach your goals. Think about the positive effects of reaching your goals and what it’s going to give you.

Making  mistakes
Nobody reaches goals without setbacks. But do not let making mistakes be something negative, but see it as a learning experience. You surely remember negative experiences better than positive experiences. Reflect on your mistakes, what did go wrong and what can you do about it? Let your mistakes send you in the right direction.

Mistakes are proof that you are trying.

At your own pace
Is reaching your goals very hard for you while you friends make it seem so easy? That ok, because everybody is different. It are your goals, so reach them in your pace. There is no deadline on reaching your goals, give yourself time to get used to the changes.

Probably you will have some setbacks along the way. Reflect on these setbacks, but only worry about the setbacks you can affect. It takes unneeded energy to worry about every little thing. For example, you cannot affect the weather, but you can dress on it.

Goals: having a hard time this week in reaching your goals? Don’t give up but give yourself a break. Think about what you have achieved already and be proud of yourself!

2017 is behind us and the winter is coming to an end. Finally, the time to be up and running again! Or at least that is what we think.

We hear it everywhere: good resolutions, bad resolutions, whether you should have resolutions – advices and lifestyle wisdom are univitable at this time of the year. I read about how to set goals, how to stay true to yourself, how you should have high standards but not put the bar too high for yourself. How you should give it a 100 percent, how you should not let other people tell you what to do and how you should be proactive. What a cacophonous compulsion!

I experience so many incentives. I do not know where I stand right now, what I want to do and what I want to enjoy. And only when I know the answers to these questions, I know what I want to think about, where I want to go, what I can find there and what I can do with it. I need rest, reflection and coaching in my journey.

I feel much better since I started recovering from my depression. However I still feel conflicted. When I feel good, I start wanting stuff, get back on lost time and start building on my life again. I want to explore my teacher position, study and customize courses. I feel the need to put myself out there socially too, meet new people, speak to more people. I dream about starting my own firm. Fully alive and developing myself.

But all those desires, wishes and resolutions give me so much stress that I feel like getting dragged back in depression again. It pressures me: I feel the need to perform, I fear failure and feel all the energy leaving my body. The people around me think of me as powerful, they think it is so great I am starting to build a life again. They are a big support to me and motivate to fight for it. What is there to lose? But that is the problem. There is a lot to lose: I can lose my good mood, I can lose not having a depression, my stability and the pleasure in life I finally got back!

I have a proactive side, but also a conservative side. I never want to go back to my depressive period again: staring into the bottomless pit of despair. Endless tears and toxic thoughts. No, I have to be careful not to fall back in this pattern. I should not try to recover too fast. My depression is my limitation, I should not cross my boundaries. I need to enjoy the process and be proud of where I stand. I should be happy that I can smile again and that I can love again. I can achieve goals and build a life again, but does it matter if it will make me break down again?

May I take it easy? No busy schedules, not willing to do too much, just relax. Will it also be fine if I do things just for me? I should let go of all those wishes and pretensions. Life is not a race. But will they appreciate it if I take it slow, will they still respect me? Or will they think I am lazy, a welfare recipient? How will I experience it myself? Can I get enough satisfaction, will I still be going in the right direction of my life?

This is a conflict I have for a couple of years already. Two extremes send me in two different directions. On the one hand I feel like I have to run, work and achieve – participate in adulthood. With exhaustion, stress and sadness as a result. On the other hand I want to let go of everything, take care of myself and enjoy the little things in life. I had a messed up life for forty years, can I at least enjoy the next forty?

Or is there another way I have not found yet? A way where I do not have to be ashamed of myself. A way where I can work towards my goals without crossing my own boundaries? I am looking for a way that can lead to a valuable life. This is what I want to read about on all those lifestyle blogs, these are the advices I need, I want to get deeper into that!

Every year millions of dollars in gym memberships go to waste. Why is it that a lot of people have such good intentions to become fit, but are not capable of maintaining a healthy exercise schedule. A lack of motivation is usually the culprit. In this article we will explain the concept of motivation and we will also give you some tips that can help you to stay motivated: This way your gym membership will not go to waste!

Motivation & Sports
Motivation is that which drives an individual to a particular form of behavior and is often divided into two categories. First, there is extrinsic motivation. This form of motivation comes from the outside. They mostly consist of punishment avoidance and rewards. For instance, what motivates people to go to the gym? A lot of people would say that they go to the gym to lose weight and look better, trying to win the approval of others (Reward). This is a form of reward that comes from an external source because you do this, hoping that you will win the approval of other people. This creates a certain amount of pressure. This pressure causes your motivation to fade away after a while because you do not like what you are doing and you are not doing for yourself.

The other form of motivation is called: intrinsic motivation. This form of motivation comes from within. For instance, lets say you play soccer. Most people who play soccer do it because they love to do it. This comes from within. The health benefits that accompany it are an extrinsic bonus. So what you need to do is try to raise your intrinsic motivation, because this form of motivations lasts longer. How can you do that? Take a look at the tricks and tips below.  

#1 Choose the exercise/sport you like: You can force yourself to go to the gym, but this will not work in the long run if you do not really love to fitness. Intrinsic motivation is important in the long run, so do not try to force something that you are never going to like. However, quitting is easy and sports/exercising does not always go well at first. Try to give it a fair shot. If it is not for you, that is fine because now you know.

#2 Baby steps and Goals: Do not rush into the sport or exercises with a super intensive program. Your body will let you know that it has a hard time coping with this program through painful muscles and fatigue. Both are motivation killers. Try to steadily build up a routine through small goals. For example, start with a 10-minute run once or twice a week. After a few weeks you will notice that you can run faster and you are not as tired at the end as when you started. Now you can increase your routine to a 20-minute run once or twice a week and so on. Before you know it you are able to run a 10k. Because you achieve your goals, you feel a sense of achievement. This raises intrinsic motivation.

#3 The buddy system: Sometimes you are just a bit too tired or stressed to follow your routine. A buddy can help you push through this and motivates you to go on. Try to meet up with a friend to help each other achieve the goals you set. Another suggestions is joining a team sport. Teamsports have social obligations which will make it harder to ‘’let one slide’’.   

Just do it! It is a quote from a Youtube video depicting famous actor Shia Lebeouf shouting: “JUST DO IT!”I always like to remind myself that I exercise for me and for no one else. When I am feeling tired or lazy and I am considering to skip the gym, I do the same as Shia. Somehow this activates me enough to get up from the couch.  

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