I am at home because of a conflict about communication with my manager. I feel stuck and stressed. I can’t sleep well, experience feelings of anxiety and suffer from a negative self-image. I doubt myself and feel insecure.

Hello, I am experiencing quite a lot of stress from a family member I live with. They can be very irritable, argumentative and explosive. This is not something temporary, by the way, but rather the attitude of that person for a much longer period of time.
How can I better protect myself against this? By the way, I am not able to leave home in the short term. In addition, setting boundaries or expressing my feelings often makes little sense. It seems that the person sometimes does the opposite on purpose because the person thinks they know better what to do in a situation. Even if I isolate myself or take time for myself, it creates conflict. What can I do best in this situation? I always feel like I have to walk on eggshells and I sometimes feel physically sick due to the constant tension and negativity.

How do I best respect myself and how do I frame and monitor my boundaries even better in my work and private life?

I have questions about what to do… I feel stuck in the situation I’m in. It’s safe, but if I leave the other person may do reckless things…