Is my problem big enough to ask for help?
Is my problem big enough to ask for help?

I have been feeling uncomfortable for a while now, I suffer from negative thoughts and notice that I am increasingly avoiding social contact. I am not an extrovert, but avoiding social contact because something bad could happen does not sound right. But are my problems big enough to get help?

Googling my problems

At that time I started Googling; “How do you avoid negative thoughts? How do I increase my self-confidence? When is my problem big enough to see a psychologist?”. I had all these negative thoughts in my daily life, but it didn’t seem bad enough to go to the doctor. I was looking for someone who could give me a push in the right direction because I was not able to do that at the time.


During my search for help I found NiceDay, a company which offers online help. I decided to download the app and soon got a message asking if I wanted to get in touch with an online coach. After gathering more information, I wrote down what I thought I needed and I answered yes!

Treatment in my own environment

I found the first conversation very exciting. Since it was online and I was in my own room, it gave me enough confidence to pick up the incoming video call. During the conversations I was given the tools to turn my negative thoughts around and to see if those thoughts are actually true. Your thoughts also influence your behaviour. By writing down my feelings and thoughts and repeatedly doing assignments, I have become increasingly aware of my way of thinking and how I can handle my thoughts betters.

Challenge your thoughts

I have to admit, now that I am no longer in contact with my online coach from NiceDay, I sometimes forget to write down my thoughts. But maybe this is a good sign! A sign that I no longer need this every day. Before I had to write down on paper to find out the cause of a thought, but I can now challenge and think about it in my head. That makes me confident.

I can recommend NiceDay to anyone who, just like me, is not feeling comfortable, but does not necessarily wants to see psychologist. Give it a try!

Tags: online help
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NiceDay is a Software provider for Mental healthcare and wellbeing

NiceDay is a Software provider for Mental healthcare and wellbeing