
Cleaning up gives you rest and energy. If your home is a mess you’ll have less energy, it might even feel like you’re stuck in life. Cleaning up this mess will give you space, a clear  mind and more energy. A tidy home makes a tidy mind!


The Japanese Marie Kondo considers cleaning up as a spiritual process. When you clean the entire house at once, you’ll create an overview in what you have and in what you can throw or give away. Cleaning up is good for the body and mind; feeling satisfied reduces stress. Marie Kondo’s method consists of two steps: throwing it away or storing it consciously. Ask yourself the question: ‘Does it spark joy?’ (Does it make me happy?). If you say yes you can keep it but only if you’re cleaning it up. If you say no you have to throw or give it away. The most important difference between just cleaning up and this method is that with this method you need to clean the entire house at once and you have to be strict to yourself.

How do you clean up?

Cleaning up doesn’t only mean making stacks of everything and hiding it in closets. It also means that you throw/give away the stuff you don’t use anymore. Think, do I really need it? If I would live smaller would I take it with me? These questions can help you make the decision to throw something away.

A fixed place

The stuff you want to keep need a fixed place, also the little things like keys. If you keep fixed places for your stuff, then you’ll have an organized home and you won’t lose things anymore. Don’t just clean the things you see, also clean the things in the closets and drawers. Organize stuff in the drawers and closets so you know where everything is, you’ll have an overview of everything you own. This can give rest, because you don’t need to search for everything and you’ll appreciate the stuff you have more.

Does it spark joy? ~ Marie Kondo

NiceDay: Plan a moment in the Daily Planner for a big clean up and get going!

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Selin Colakhasanoglu

Coach. Walks together with you to achieve your goals. Loves to play the piano, to travel and different cultures.

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