How do you train your memory? Everybody forgets something from time to time, some more than others. There are several reasons that you are forgetful, but mostly it’s nothing to worry about. However, it can be quite frustrating. This article discusses what you can do to stimulate your brain.

Train your brain?

At first it’s important to know that your memory isn’t a muscle, so ‘training’ your brain might not be the right word. However, you can help your brain a little, for example by using a mnemonic. This will make remembering easier for you. In addition, it’s very important to keep your brain healthy. You can do this in different ways. For example, it’s important to exercise, get enough sleep and to eat healthy.


We know that enough exercise is important for our health, but it also has a positive effect on our brain! Your brain produces a special chemical during movement which creates new brain cells and connections between brain cells. Also, it reduces the breakdown of dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for muscle movements and helps to find more pleasure and joy in life.


A good night sleep, of about seven hours, will literally make you feel more awake. This will make you more aware of your environment, so you don’t miss out on important information.

Good food is good mood

A varied and healthy dietary pattern is important for the brain. There are many nutrients that support the function of the brain. For example, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. These nutrients have a positive effect on the way you’re processing information, on your concentration and on your memory. In order to consume as many nutrients as possible, it’s useful to eat as varied as possible. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are in vegetables, fruit, eggs, dairy products and meat.

NiceDay: Set some goals for yourself. Start easy, for example with walking for at least 30 minutes a day or taking an extra piece of fruit daily. Maybe it helps you to get a steady sleeping pattern, then try to go to bed on time.

The summer is in full swing and who doesn’t want well-shaped buttocks in his or her beach outfit? The most effective way to do that is to practice yoga regularly. Yoga has been scientifically proven to be the most effective sport to train the body! It makes muscles stronger, more flexible and improves overall body posture. In this blog more about the yoga posture the Tabletop (also called Table) that provides well-shaped buttocks. Regularly doing this asana has a positive effect on the muscles of the buttocks.

What is the Table pose?

This is a starting pose; backward bend with arm support. In yoga jargon this pose is called “Chatus pada pitham”. Chartus stands for four, Pada for foot and Pitham for bench, seat or chair. The focus in this asana are the legs, arms and torso. To bring the body up, the buttocks, thigh muscles and hamstrings are active.

What is the effect of the Table?

By raising the body and keeping the shoulders and knees at the same height, the muscles in the legs, arms and corse are immediately activated. The triceps ensure that the arms can support the body weight. Just like the buttocks, thigh muscles and hamstrings. In order to stay in this position for a few breaths, the back muscles jump in, so these muscles will also get trained. In order to keep the shoulders and knees at the same height, the buttocks must be tightened. As soon as they tighten, the knees tend to pull together and the hips are lowered towards the ground. The challenge is to keep the knees about hip width apart, without lowering the hips. This requires an active effort of the hamstrings

This is how you do the Table pose

Sit down on the mat and put your feet hip width apart in front of you. The arms go backwards and the fingers point to the body. Make sure that the arms are behind your back, your chest is automatically a little forward when the arms are placed behind the back. There is approximately a hand-length distance between the fingers and the body. At an inhalation you raise the hips and the shoulders and knees at the same height. Arms are stretched and the shoulder blades are pushed towards each other. Let the head hang backwards. Tighten the glutes, keep knees at hip width apart and breathe easy. Stay in the posture for a few breaths.


Are the (lower) back, wrists or hamstrings sensitive areas for you? These alternatives help you to do the Table pose with more ease.

(lower) Back

In case of a sensitive lower back, it is nice to have a good warming-up by, for example, the cross-legged sitting or the cat posture before you do the Table asana. By tilting the pelvis, the pressure on the lower back is reduced; pull the navel inwards and push the tailbone towards the feet.


When it does not feel comfortable with the wrists, it can help to make two fists and to rest on them instead of the hands.


With stiff hamstrings it is nice to stretch these first before you do the Table posture. The Plow is a good asana to prepare the hamstrings. Listen to the limits that your body indicates. When the pressure feels too high for the hamstrings to hold the straight line between the shoulders and knees in the Table asana, keep the buttocks a little lower; this will immediately reduce the pressure on the hamstrings. By practicing the Table regularly, the body comes a little further up each time and you will get that bootylicious booty.

The back muscles are one of the largest muscle groups the body has. The training of this muscle group provides a better posture and prevents injuries in the back, neck and shoulders. The Cat pose increases the flexibility and suppleness in the back and the best thing is that everyone can do this pose!

What is the Cat pose?

This is a basic pose; a balance exercise on hands and knees. In yoga jargon this pose is called “Utthita Chakravakasana”. Utthita means stretch and Chakravakasana stands for cat. This asana is also called the ‘cat-cow pose’. Because the breathing the back is first made into a ball (cat) and then hollowed (cow). And this is also where the power lies in this asana. By moving rhythmically on the breathing in and out, this pose is done best and able to train the body.

What is the effect of the Cat/Cow pose?

This asana increases the flexibility and suppleness of the back, also stretches the muscles in the arms and legs, and makes the hips and abdominal muscles stronger. It is an active basic asana that is done on the breath. By making the back convex and then hollowing, you emphasize the natural curvature of the spine and, in particular, relieve any tension in the lower back, shoulders and neck. It is important to breathe in and out through the nose. A hurried breathing creates tension in the body and has a counter-effect.

This is how you do the cat / cow attitude

  • Sit on your hands and knees. Important is that the knees are at hip width, arms are stretched and the hands under the shoulders, fingers spread for a better balance. In case of sensitive or painful wrists you can alternatively make two fists and rest on them.
  • The shoulders are pushed backwards, away from the ears, which directly reduces strain on the neck and shoulders.
  • In the starting position the back is straight and you look at the ground.
  • The toes are stretched or if that feels more comfortable, place the toes in the ground.
  • At the inhalation you push the chin towards the chest and you arch the back. Here you stretch the arms and push the weight with your hands (or fists) away from you.
  • On the exhale push the chin towards the ceiling and make the back hollow and push the shoulder blades towards each other, as in the picture above.
  • Repeat this least four times or more when you have sat a lot in one day.


Do you want to train your back more after doing the Cat pose? This video will help you


If you’re looking for tips concerning better well-being, mentally and physically, movement is an important, but often underestimated aspect. People who often exercise, sometimes seem to be addicted to this. But sports cost energy, so how can people want to exercise more, if, on first sight, you’re likely more relaxed when you’re taking it easy?


Because sports cause your body to create more energy! This occurs at the level of cells, namely the mitochondria, which draws energy out of the nutrition you consume. Energy is not only used for movement, but also for keeping your brain alert, keeping your lungs active and regulating your body temperature. When you exercise more often, the amount and efficiency of mitochondria in your body increases. You will teach your body to produce more energy!

Take rest

The more energy needed for movement, the better your body learns to have enough energy for you well-being in periods of rest. This means, among other things, a lower heart rate, less headache, a lower tendency for yawning, and less snacking. In order to achieve the best effect, it is therefore important that you engage in movement where you will sweat a bit.


Apart from this energy process in your body, you also produce more body-like chemicals that make you feel more comfortable. More movement creates more dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of reward. Also, the decrease of cortisol, the stress hormone, reduces fat storage and fear. This effect already occurs with moderate intensive movement. A walk, bike ride, or walking the stairs are already sufficient to reach this effect!


You are indeed more relaxed if you take it easy, but if you move regularly, your body will learn to relax faster. Even for your sleep rhythm it can do miracles. In today’s society, our bodies are sometimes confused by exposure to, for instance, light of electronics, and additives in foods. Move, make more body-like fabrics that reward you with a good feeling, and you will feel more energetic, but also more relaxed.

If you doubt to go out and exercise because you feel energy depleted, just don’t hesitate to exercise, and see how you feel afterwards!

NiceDay: Plan your sports sessions in your Daily Planner; a good walk in the park is, of course, also fine. Record in your diary how you feel before your effort, and after your effort, and look at the difference afterwards.

Do you have the intention to start or restart exercising, but lose motivation after one week of working out? Would you like to know how to push yourself to persevere this time? Starting to work out is one thing, making it a habit is another. We share some tips with you to guide you through the times you need it the most. Keep on reading!

Set goals

Make sure that you set goals, so you know where you’re doing it for. Make the goals as specific as possible, it gets easier when you notice quick results. Ask yourself: what is it exactly what I want to achieve? How and when am I going to achieve that? For example: ‘I want to lose 2kg. Today I start with joining a weekly group training at my gym. In four weeks I have reached my goal.’

Start small

Sometimes we want want too much too quick. Try to find a pace that fits you and that you can stick with. If you aim too high, you can lose your motivation because it’s just too hard. For instance: Start with going to the gym just once a week. Or just a 5 to 10 minutes walk a day is fine too. It’s all about what works for you! When it’s too easy, just challenge yourself!

Make yourself a ‘plan of action’

When you join a group training this is not really an issue, but when you’re doing it all by yourself it’s good to have a decent plan or program to work on. This also contributes to making your goals specific!

Sport together

Because working out together makes working out a lot more fun! It also contributes to a group feeling, that in its turn enhances motivation. Peer pressure will likely motivate you to go to the gym, even when you’re not feeling like it.

Find intrinsic motivation

Try to find or develop intrinsic motivation to work out. Intrinsic motivation is motivation from within, where you feel satisfaction when certain behavior arises. Peer ‘pressure’ will not always be there to keep you moving. Sometimes you have to push yourself by saying: ‘ I can do this!’, or: ‘No one’s going to stop me, not even me!’. After your training you’ll feel proud of yourself that you did this all by yourself!

Plan your workouts

Plan your workouts on set moments during the day or week. This way, it gets part of your routine and in time you don’t even have to remember yourself, because it’s all in your system. No sweat!

Reward yourself

When you achieve a goal, give yourself some reward that’s worth it. Not particularly something big, but just a treat like shopping or a healthy snack. Give yourself some acknowledgement and appreciation for your efforts and the hard labor that you did in order to achieve your goals. Good job!

NiceDay: Plan your training sessions in your daily planner to have a reminder and keep you motivated. Write in your diary how you feel before and after the work-out.

Need more motivation? Read this blog post.

I don’t feel happy sitting in front of the computer all day. In fact, it makes me feel tired, lazy and drowsy. After such a day you can sweep me up! Fortunately my work is very flexible which makes it possible to work from home. On those kind of  days I will go out for a run midday, or if that doesn’t work, I try to walk for half an hour. Exercise during your workday is important.

Here’s why!

  1. Movement promotes creativity and enhances brain activity
    Are you scrolling through your social media apps, checking the news or answering your private mail  during the lunch break? Your brain is still processing information from your work, it’s much better to clear your mind. After a run you will feel better, think clearer, get creative and be productive.
  1. Running and moving fights stress
    1 in 7 people suffer from burnout complaints. Shocking! By reducing stress you will prevent the chances of a burn-out. When you go for a run during your workday (cycling, playing football, walking, etc. is also efficient) you will use your body instead of your brains. Your body will produce hormones and substances such as endorphins and BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor), which will lower your stress level. In addition, you will wake up your body which gives you energy to work for the rest of the day.
  1. Fresh air, the sun, vitamin D!
    This is especially helpful for people who don’t get out a lot, because they are in an office all day. Not getting outside can cause a vitamin D deficiency, since your body receives this vitamin via sunlight. Possible consequences of a deficiency are: feeling lethargic, low energy levels and even anxiety attacks. During the night the sun has already set, so it’s important to go for a run during the day.
  1. Not to mention: your body
    Exercise promotes mental health, but obviously it’s also good for your body. You can lose weight, improve your fitness levels and / or get stronger. That’s why it’s advised to exercise 150 minutes moderately intensive (walking, running, cycling) each day.
  1. Finally: it saves time
    When you work out during the day you will have time to do other things in the evening!

Are you active during the workday? Discuss this with your colleagues or employer. Look what you can do to create a healthier and fitter workplace.

The weather has been beautiful and we hope that the summer stays warm and sunny. Sports in the summer can be quite a challenge, how do you keep it fun and healthy for yourself? I myself have a little bit of trouble with this, but I still want to continue to exercise, because exercising makes me feel better. Below 8 cooling down tips to put on t those running shoes.

Drink enough

Jup, open door, but oh so important. Drink plenty of water in advance, drink water while running and drink plenty of water after running. What is enough? This depends of course on your construction (weight, height, etc.),the temprature and how long you will be exercising. You should do the following: drink about half a liter of water in the two hours before you exercise. During the exercise you can choose to take a sip of water from time to time, take it easy, a slobbering belly is really annoying, but you can also get serious cramps. Than you can drink more.

Do not put on too many clothes

Wear light clothing and especially not too much. If you feel insecure in shorts, wear three-quarter pants or airy longer pants. Running is not a fashion show (this is a wise lesson from my mother). Put on a cap, so your head stays cooler. Wear a sweatband around your wrist, nice and retro, but very practical.

Listen to signals from your body

There it is again: take it easy and see what your body can handle. Do you feel dizzy, take that seriously, go for a walk for example. Your body needs time to get used to the heat, give it time. I personally find it a challenge in the first warm days, that’s why I give myself the time to get used to it.

Lubricate yourself

Another open door, but many forget to lubricate during exercise. You are outside and your skin is exposed to the sun: so lubricate yourself.

Do breathing exercises

Because of the heat, your heart rate may be slightly higher, so before you start running, do a 2-minute breathing exercise. You start your training in this way. You can also consciously listen to your body: how do you feel at this moment? Make sure during your training that your breathing is not too high, this can be annoying, especially in the heat. While walking, you can consciously keep an eye on your breathing so that your heart rate is not too high. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. After the training you can sit down for another 5 minute breathing exercise. This way you give your body time to recover and your heartbeat will become a bit quieter again. So you immediately sweat out. A breathing exercise looks like this:

BREATH IN (through your nose)
BREATH OUT (through your nose)


Repeat (2 to 5 minutes)

Try to take a breath, focus on this. Make sure it is a natural breath, so not very deep and the break does not have to be uncomfortable. Learn more about breathing here.

Take a cold shower

There is nothing nicer than a fresh shower after a workout. Start with a normal temperature and put the shower on the last moment very cold: keep breathing quietly. Your body cools off nicely and at the same time gets a frightening reaction. This creates energy. In addition, every day a cold shower is very good for the resistance. Later follows a more extensive blog about this!


If you start practicing sports, it sometimes takes some getting used to suddenly sweating a lot. Sweating is not bad and just a sign that your body is draining your heat well. After all, sweating is not something to be ashamed of when exercising. From the heat you can become very languid, but by still going you will get some energy and sweat the languid feeling out of  your body.

Walk at a cool moment

Finally: in the early morning or late evening it is often cooler, the sun is not so bright and it is also nice and quiet on the street. A good time for sports.

Do you have cooling tips yourself? Let us know below.

I love to dance. Dancing is scientifically proven very good for you: it lowers the stress level. The hormone cortisol rises when you experience stress. That is annoying because cortisol gives complaints such as fatigue, craving sugar, negative mood or gastrointestinal complaints. By dancing you literally move the stress out of your body and with it the negative effects of stress. Yoga also helps to lower your stress level, for example in this dancer’s pose. But how do you do this pose with more ease when balancing on one leg? These 5 tips will help!

What is a dancer’s pose?

It is a standing balance pose with a backward bend. In yogi jargon this asana is called Natarajasana; king of the dancers. Nata means dancer and raja means king. This pose demands a lot of your arm, back and leg muscles, especially your hamstrings. And also the joints in your shoulder blades, spine and hips are challenged. Officially you hold one foot with two hands and stretch your leg as far as possible, so that you can bring your foot towards your head. As you can see in the photo, I can’t do that.

Where is the difficulty?

The biggest challenge in this asana is not so much the flexibility of your joints and muscles or finding (and holding) your balance. No, the biggest challenge is breathing. The freedom of movement in the diaphragm is reduced in this asana by the combination of a hollow back and the strength of your buttocks and leg muscles. These work against each other which makes it difficult to breathe deeply and with ease. The necessary muscle power to do this asana is greater than the ability of the body to supply muscle with oxygen. The longer you are in this pose, the deeper the body has to breathe and the more the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm have to give up their stabilizing. In short, there is a good chance that you will fall over. When I first did this asana, I regularly fell over. That was very frustrating, so I went looking for alternatives to keep doing this asana with more ease and fun.


I can’t grab my one foot with both hands. What I can do is hold it with one hand and this became my new starting point. These alternatives have helped me to not fall over in the dancer pose. I hope they help you too. Do not forget: do what feels right for you. Experience where your boundaries are and do not go over them (too much). When you listen to your body, it will be able to work with you.

  • A good warm up is half the work. Make sure the body is well warmed and keep that heat with you by wearing extra clothing. I like to wear an extra fleece sweater and leg warmers over my leggings. The warmer you are, the smoother the muscles and joints are.
  • Start with two feet on the floor, close the eyes and then breathe in and out gently. Hold with the right hand, the right foot by the ankle or the foot itself. If it feels better, you can grab the shin.
  • Bring the knees together and find your balance by breathing gently.
  • At the next inhalation, extend the left arm, and at the exhale, bend forward. If you can, bend forward so that the left arm is a straight line above the ground. If not, just hold wherever it is comfortable for you.
  • Breathe in and out a few times to stay in balance. When you feel able to stand stable, you can push the right leg up a little further. Stay in this asana for four breaths.

Are you going to try this? Let us know how it went. Good luck!

Taking care of your health is something many of us like to do. However, because we also have obligations to family, work, our hobbies and friends, we don’t always take the time to do so. But if we were to be healthy during our work hours it would give us a great health boost already! That way, you will have more energy to do things outside of your work hours. And who doesn’t like that? So here are some tips to start being a little more healthy at work:

Know a healthy lunch
If you go out and buy something to eat and drink everyday, you already have an easy way to get some extra exercise in. You will quickly feel more alert, because your blood circulation is being stimulated by moving your body. But your body needs more for energy: food! If you enjoy eating bread, that’s no problem at all. Carbohydrates are important in providing energy. It is important to choose for whole grain products, though. This will provide energy for a longer period of time. It’s possible to check the ingredients list to see what exact percentage is whole grain in a product! Something that’s also easy to do, is to cook a little extra the day before you go to work. That way, you have an easy and healthy meal at work, that you made yourself!

Take the time for your health
If you have a job that requires you to stare at a computer screen for extended periods of time, it is important to allow your eyes to get some rest as well. Remember the 20-20-20 rule for this: take some time every 20 minutes to look away from the screen for 20 seconds. Look at something in the distance outside. This will help prevent tired eyes. It’s also possible to use an extension for your web browser to remind you to take these breaks. Also, drinking some water every hour and taking a short walk can do wonders for your health and productivity.

5 quick tips

  • Don’t buy snacks for your work area. Choose to eat fruit!
  • Ask your colleagues to take a walk outside during or after lunch today.
  • Drink water and tea. Don’t drink coffee in the afternoon.
  • Open a window every other hour. Give your brain some oxygen!
  • Talk to others and support each other by lunching together and giving each other tips!


We are not all good at the same thing. Authenticity is what makes you unique, which I think we should accentuate, instead of comparing with the standards of others. For years I have thought that my body was weak.

The reason I do yoga has nothing to do with flexibility. This is #myyogastory.

At the age of six, a tumor had grown into my spine, which had to be surgically removed through the stomach to increase the chance of survival. The operation was successful, but brought complications; two scar corrections where necessary over a period of ten years. In total my core muscles have been cut through three times, which makes them less strong.

I was unsure about sharing my vulnerability, until I stood on the yoga mat.

On the mat
That is where I am happiest; free from physical, self-conceived or socially imposed restrictions. Yoga has taught me to accept my body and listen to it. By doing alternative exercises my body became stronger and at the same time my vulnerability developed into a strength.

Feeling this ‘freedom of possibility’ is my greatest treasure and the motivation behind my yoga company.

In our classes this renders by offering multiple alternatives for each posture. This means that everyone, regardless of age, from beginner to advanced, with or without physical or mental disabilities, can join the classes. Experiencing that you are capable of more than expected increases the feeling of happiness and that is why I am a yogi and yoga for me is the fundament of a healthier and happier lifestyle. It is the mission of 100%YOGA to convey the feeling of possibilities and to inspire you to be your unique, authentic self.

Every day on national level my team and I devote ourselves to bringing more vitality at companies, universities and private sector. It is fantastic how yoga makes the body flexible and stronger. How on busy days it brings peace of mind.

Every month I will share my personal tips and alternatives on how to do a single yoga exercise correctly and with more ease on the NiceDay blog, and also what the effect is of that exercise and how to use yoga in having a healthier and happier lifestyle. Looking for a specific tip? Let me know. I look forward in helping you.