Filling in a thought-schedule


I find it difficult to put together a thought schedule in my mind.

Took a walk today, a lot of short communication with passers-by. Little or no thoughts.
Assessing thoughts: everyone does something sexual that is very healthy, you think that’s fine too.

Answered by NiceDay Psychologist Wouter Schippers

Good to see you're working on your own recovery!

When I read your message, I get the impression that your question relates to how to properly complete a G-scheme. Let me state that a thought record is a specific technique that can indeed be tricky. If you are undergoing treatment somewhere, I would like to ask you to ask for support from your practitioner. Otherwise, you can do the following:

On you will find a video explaining the thought record:

A few more tips for you:

  • Pay close attention to the distinction between thoughts and feelings. Thoughts are things in your head, feelings are physical reactions.
  • Look for automatic negative thoughts. For example, ask yourself the questions: "what do I want to prevent?" or "what's the worst that could happen?".
  • Be careful not to describe facts. So don't say: "I had a heated discussion with a colleague", but: "my colleague does not like me because of a heated discussion today".

I hope this helps you a bit on your way. Good luck!

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