Drug use


I have been dating someone for 7 months, we have a long distance relationship. We see each other 3 times a month and talk daily for 1-2 hours. We both have a history of dealing with conflict and have emotional trauma from our past relationships. 

5 years ago my partner committed suicide, I still have an unresolved trauma from this. The first two years after my partner committed suicide, I was suicidical. I began using ecstasy 3 to 5 days a week to try and cope with what had happened. 

I haven’t used ecstasy in the last 3 weeks, and I am committed to stop using it by september. But the person who I am dating triggers my unresolved trauma, because I lack emotional coping skills and I need to build myself back up. I support her not using anymore, but she doesn’t support me continuing till September. 

She is unwilling to compromise, but I believe that my plan is the best for me. I don’t want to continue using it until September, I just want the opt. In every area in my life I’m making improvements. I know on the surface it may seem like stopping now is the best, but I know myself and I need time to build back my coping skills.

Answered by NiceDay Psychologist Wouter Schippers


Thank you for your question. It is important to reach out for help when we are struggling with something. Good job taking that step! 

I am sorry to hear about your partner’s passing. You indicate that you have been using ecstasy as a way to cope. It is important to find healthy coping mechanisms, while ecstasy may provide some relief it may not be the best long term solution for your complaints. It’s important to consider the potential risks of ongoing drug use. Ecstasy can have various impacts on your physical and mental well-being, and it may be contributing to the maintenance of your mental health complaints. 



If you notice continued mental health complaints or difficulty stopping with your drug use I would strongly recommend getting professional help to process the trauma and develop more health coping mechanisms. You can visit your GP to ask for a referral to a mental health organisation. 

Take care.

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