Relaxing means incorporating moments into your daily life where you’re not engaged in the routine of your daily tasks. You have a moment for yourself in which you can recharge, unwind, slow down, and regain new energy.

Relaxation is necessary to allow your body and mind to recover from exertion. If your body and mind don’t get the time to recuperate, stress and fatigue accumulate until it becomes too much. You can handle much more when you take breaks to relax in between. This way, you’ll cope better with stress, work, and the demands placed on you.

When you’re too tense, you often aren’t (anymore) aware that you’re constantly tense. You’re accustomed to your body feeling a bit stiff, experiencing stomach or back pain, or waking up tired.

How can you relax?

For one person, relaxation might involve going out with friends, while for another, it’s sitting with a good book on the couch. Yet another person might find it hard to do without exercising. Relaxation can be sought mentally or physically. It’s important to determine what is relaxing for you, what brings you joy. This ensures that your mind clears and your body relaxes.

You can create a relaxed moment for yourself anytime, anywhere. It could be when you’re alone, enjoying a beautiful view, or even on a busy train. Observe what’s happening and how you feel. Sense that you don’t need to do anything and try to enjoy that state.

Ways to relax

Everyone has their own ways of relaxing. Ask around in your surroundings about what others do to relax. We’ve also prepared some inspiration for you:

  • Listen to music
  • Read a book
  • Engage in a hobby
  • Take a walk in nature
  • Exercise
  • Take a bath or warm shower
  • Get a massage
  • Intimacy
  • Take time to eat slowly or have a cup of tea, for example
  • Practice yoga
  • Engage in mindfulness
  • Meditate
  • Consciously use your senses to perceive your environment
  • Give yourself a facial massage
  • Do a relaxation exercise

Relaxation exercises

Relaxation exercises are often based on yoga, mindfulness, or meditation. You learn to be consciously engaged with your breath, your body, your surroundings, and your thoughts. Not sure which form of relaxation or meditation suits you? Then read this article.

We have several relaxation exercises available, such as the progressive relaxation.  Additionally, you can find various free relaxation exercises online or through an app:


You can schedule moments where you will be taking time to relax.
Reflect on what the moment of relaxation has done for you and how you feel afterward.


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