Zo kom je uit je hoofd

Always thinking and being in your head: a curse and a blessing. A blessing because you are, for example, very creative, you can enjoy daydreaming or you quickly connect the dots. But sometimes it is also a “curse”: you are not in the here and now and tension builds up easily in your body. How do you create the right balance?


Mindful living means living with attention: being in the here and now. When you work, eat, walk or sit. Sounds simple, yet it is a challenge. Just think of a simple task like doing groceries. As you move from one aisle to another, you may be in your head busy making a to-do list for when you get home. Or when you are eating, in your head you are formulating an email that you want to send after lunch. Occasionally you can do so, however it is also good to focus on the now and enjoy the moment. Even if it is something “simple” like doing groceries or eating a meal.

How to get started?

Sitting in silence for minutes long to practice mindfulness is not necessary. You can do mindful meditation, yes. But mindfulness is not the same as meditation. Being mindful means bringing your attention to what you are doing now. These tips will make your days more mindful:

  1. Pick something from your routine and do this mindful. Are you brushing your teeth? Then “force” yourself to focus on what you are doing. Feel how the toothbrush moves over your teeth, how your feet are standing on the floor or what it’s like to hold your toothbrush.
  2. Do a regular check-in, for example if you have been to the toilet or when you are making yourself a tea. Do you feel tension in your body? In your shoulders, jaws or forehead? Take five deep breaths, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Release the tension.
  3. Exercise and be active! Have you been in your head all day? Go vacuum your room, cook, take a walk or do some exercise. Physical activities are very effective, because you get out of your head quickly and it is relatively easily.

This is a reminder to stop holding tension in your body.

Soften your forehead,

unclench your jaw,

and relax your shoulders.


Living your life with more attention or being mindful helps your body to retain less stress and tension. Of course, it’s not possible to be out of your head all day.  And that is fine! It can even be very pleasant, to daydream! Do you have the NiceDay app on your phone? Plan every day a mindful moment for yourself. NiceDay app sends you a reminder!

Tags: mindful
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Faye van Spijk

Hi! I'm a curious communicator, I love animals and like to spend my days discovering new stories, people or worlds.

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