Every week is largely the same: you take the same route to work or school, you exercise every Monday and Wednesday and on Saturday you do your shopping. On the one hand, this feels comfortable: thanks to that routine, your life is manageable and therefore you experience less stress. But we all secretly dream of wild lives, full of adventure and great successes. Reality can create a suffocating feeling and sometimes you may feel an urge for some change. Which is possible! And it doesn’t have to be complicated at all. We share some tips with you.

Be mindful

Do you do everything on autopilot? You can live with attention to the things you do, even if you do them every day. Living with attention ensures appreciation for what you do. The autopilot can quickly make you feel like you are stuck. The routine is then not soothing, but causes dissatisfaction and stress. Jump on the bike consciously, do nothing (really nothing, so not your telephone) even when you are in the tram and wander around the supermarket without thinking about cooking again.

Another route

Take a different route to work, once a week or more often. Cycle a block around, get off one stop earlier or leave home at a different time. And if you do, do this mindful. Do you feel the wind? What do you hear? What do you smell? It gives your day a twist and this can feel refreshing.

Your �own� spot

Your own spot in bed, on the couch, at the lunch table or in the tram? Many people have a place out of habit and comfort. Go crazy and choose another spot. You may see other things, the environment is different, your view is different. It feels different! And that may be exactly what you need.

Small changes can already provide a refreshing feeling and bring new energy. Occasionally getting away from it all helps of course! What helps you to break a daily routine?


Schedule something outside your comfort zone on your Daily Planner in the NiceDay app. For example, changing places at the lunch table or taking a different route to work. Keep track of how you experienced this. Does it provide some air? Or does it bring enthusiasm in your day?

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Faye van Spijk

Hi! I'm a curious communicator, I love animals and like to spend my days discovering new stories, people or worlds.

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NiceDay is a Software provider for Mental healthcare and wellbeing

NiceDay is a Software provider for Mental healthcare and wellbeing