I have a question. A few times a year and sometimes every month, I take an overdose of Oxazepam and Quetiapine to avoid feeling anything. I don’t take this medication on a regular basis. Can this be labeled as an addiction or is it just a problem? Last time I took 125mg Quetiapine and 30 mg Oxazepam.

I have been dating someone for 7 months, we have a long distance relationship. We see each other 3 times a month and talk daily for 1-2 hours. We both have a history of dealing with conflict and have emotional trauma from our past relationships. 

5 years ago my partner committed suicide, I still have an unresolved trauma from this. The first two years after my partner committed suicide, I was suicidical. I began using ecstasy 3 to 5 days a week to try and cope with what had happened. 

I haven’t used ecstasy in the last 3 weeks, and I am committed to stop using it by september. But the person who I am dating triggers my unresolved trauma, because I lack emotional coping skills and I need to build myself back up. I support her not using anymore, but she doesn’t support me continuing till September. 

She is unwilling to compromise, but I believe that my plan is the best for me. I don’t want to continue using it until September, I just want the opt. In every area in my life I’m making improvements. I know on the surface it may seem like stopping now is the best, but I know myself and I need time to build back my coping skills.

At least since the lockdowns, I increasingly experience an irresistible urge to watch and download porn several times a day. In the evening I watch the downloaded porn on the television and I masturbate for at least two hours. I almost always use a masturbator. I don’t always cum, although I am able to.

In the meantime, I’ve been working on it for at least three hours a day and I’m starting to believe that there is an addiction.

I don’t want any treatment for that. I also find it too inconvenient at the moment.

What I want to know is to what extent it is ‘disturbed’ what I do and what the best way is to channel this need.

Hi, I am a 32-year-old woman. Already 9 years in a nice relationship with a sweet man who does everything for me. We have a nice house and 2 sweet, healthy sons aged 5 and 6 years.

In every relationship I’ve ever had I cheated and I still do, I’ve never felt better because of it but I still can’t stop and I don’t really understand why. I have the best sex with my own partner and if it’s up to him it happens often enough! Yet I continue to have the uncontrolled need to challenge other men and I won’t rest until I’ve conquered them… Which makes me really bummed every time afterwards. Why am I doing this?

I have questions about what to do… I feel stuck in the situation I’m in. It’s safe, but if I leave the other person may do reckless things…