In a note about your session, you’ll find the most important information from a session, such as things you want to remember or review later. This note can be created by your professional or therapist, and you’re also allowed to create this note yourself.


What do you write down about your session?

You can write a note in your own words, giving it your own interpretation.
Consider, for example, the following:

  • What did you discuss today?
  • What were the key points for you today?
  • Did you learn anything new about yourself or gain new insights?
  • What is the homework or exercises for next time?
  • How did you feel during the session?

Why is useful for me to write this down myself?

Writing down the discussed information yourself is useful for the following reasons:

  • Creating the note yourself makes you consciously reflect on what was discussed after a session.
  • You can reflect on how you felt during a session or at specific moments in the session.
  • You may remember information better when you note it in your own words.
  • You can always reread the note.
  • You take a more active role in your treatment.
  •  If you share the note with your therapist, they can see if you understood the discussed information well and what was most important for you.


How do I create a note in the NiceDay app?

Click the ‘+’ → Click ‘Session note’



Michael Pilarczyk, Book: Master your mindset, 2017.


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