Reaction on – Positieve gedachten in een tijd van sociale isolatie
Reaction on – Positieve gedachten in een tijd van sociale isolatie

Hey there, my name is Steve and I am a remote recruitment agent for WorkWithAI, I checked out your website and I am impressed. I am currently looking for a couple more app reviewers to join our team. The position is flexible so you can work it a couple hours a day on the side of your main business, it pays a minimum of $200 per day and would involve writing a couple app reviews a day.

We currently are hiring 3 more people from your location, if you are interested you can view the details of the job by clicking my hiring link below, it isn’t the hardest job but we are looking for the most qualified candidates to proceed.

Thank you for your time, we hope to see you on our team!

Talk soon,
Steve from WorkWithAI

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